© National Instruments Corporation
GPIB-1014P User Manual
electrical characteristics, 2-1 to 2-2
IEEE-488 bus transfer rate, A-1
operating environment, A-1
physical characteristics, A-1, 2-1
power requirement, A-1
storage environment, A-1
SPEOI (Send Serial Poll EOI Bit), 4-41
SPMR. See Serial Poll Mode Register (SPMR).
SPMS (Serial Poll Mode State Bit), 4-20
SPSR. See Serial Poll Status Register (SPSR).
SRQ (service request) line, E-3
SRQI (Service Request Input Bit), 4-15 to 4-16
SRQI IE (Service Request Input Interrupt Enable Bit), 4-15 to 4-16
storage environment, A-1
Supervisor or Non-privileged access, configuration, 3-3
switches. See jumpers and switches.
system reset
clock and reset circuitry, 6-2
during initialization, 5-1 to 5-2
TA (Talker Active Bit), 4-21
Take Control Asynchronously (Pulsed) command
codes for, 4-28
description, 4-32
Take Control Synchronously command
codes for, 4-28
description, 4-33
Take Control Synchronously on End command
codes for, 4-28
description, 4-33
Talker/Listener/Controller (TLC). See also Controller function.
addressed implementation
Address Mode 1, 5-5
Address Mode 2, 5-5 to 5-6
Address Mode 3, 5-6 to 5-7
definition, 2-9
GPIB interface, 6-4 to 6-5
initiliazation of, 5-1
interrupt events originating from, 2-4
operation of, E-1 to E-2
overview, 5-5
programmed implementation, 5-5
sending/receiving messages, 5-7
VMEbus slave-addressing, 2-2
TCT (Take Control) command, 4-26
test and troubleshooting. See troubleshooting test procedures.