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PRIME 18x9 3G
cellular network operator. To enable mobile internet when the SIM card is inserted into
the device. Enter: [Applications menu] > [Settings] > [SIM cards] >[Cellular data] and
tick the SIM card with which you are going to connect to the Internet. (When you
exchange SIM card you have to repeat the whole process).
Subsequently, expand the notification bar (starting at the top edge) and press
and device should connect to the 3G internet.
If you do not have the Internet enable it in: [Applications menu] > [Settings] >
[Wireless&Networks] > [More] > [Mobile networks] > [Data Roaming] roaming of
national calls or all calls.
19. Adding APN access points
A correct configuration of APN settings is needed for the proper functioning of MMS
service and the mobile Internet network.
The best option is checking data which should be in APN on the website of cellular
operator, whose SIM card is being installed.
In some cases those data can be received
via SMS or email.
If you need to add them manually, after finding information about the values to be
recorded in APN, you must usually enter: [Applications menu]> [Settings]> [Wireless &
networks]> [More]> [Mobile networks]> [Access point names].
upper right corner
will add an APN point. An
ability to fill in some fields will
appear. Below are examples
of screens filled with fields for
APN operator PLAY. After
filling them (not all have to be
given values), you need to
click the icon in the upper
right corner of the screen and
select [Save], if you want to
keep the APN in the device
memory or [Reject], when you
want to exit the window
without saving.