By accessing the edit option in the drop-down menu, you can edit the parameters.
Through the App it will be possible to edit the rest of the fields of the recipe, being able to
include the preparation, photos, etc.
Navigation between cycles
To navigate between the different cycles, click on the arrows of the cycle indicator <1/2>.
The first number in the cycle indicator indicates the current cycle and the
second number indicates the total number of cycles.
Adding a cycle
To add a cycle to a cooking process, press the (+) button. It is then necessary to select the
mode and set the cooking parameters.
Once a cycle has been added, its cooking parameters can be modified by selecting the
cycle to be modified and adjusting the parameters.
Delete a cycle
To remove a cooking cycle, press the (-) button.
Initiate cooking
Once the cooking parameters have been selected, either in manual mode or in a specific
programme, we can start the process.
To do this, press the circular button START/STOP, and the following screen will appear:
To add or delete phases in programmes 1 to 400, you must first enter
programme editing mode.