RVP165 - NLFREN - v1.0 - 10022015
3.2 Clothing
The type of clothing depends on the work that must be carried out. When using the spray gun washer and relevant products,
comply with the regulations below:
It is forbidden to use cell phones in environments where a mixture of flammable gasses or vapours may be present. It is
advisable not to have a cell phone with you. If you have a cell phone with you, it must be turned off.
• The operator must wear solvent-proof rubber gloves to prevent contact between his hands and the products used for
• The operator must always wear protective eyewear to prevent the solvent coming into contact with his eyes.
• The operator must use a protective mask to avoid inhaling gas and dust.
• It is mandatory that all operators within the risk area where an explosion may occur wear suitable clothes and shoes that
prevent any accumulation of dangerous electrostatic charges.
3.3 Ecology and pollution
• Comply with Laws in the country where the spray gun washer is installed regarding use and disposal of washing products.
Comply with the recommendations given by the manufacturer of these products.
3.4 Standards for safe operation
The spray gun washer was designed and built to be used in an environment in which an explosive atmosphere, consisting of a
mixture of air and flammable substances in the form of gas, vapour or mist, is likely to occur. The spray gun washer guarantees
a normal level of protection in conformity with equipment group II, category 2 G, in accordance with directive 94/9/EC.
It is forbidden to use the Spray Gun Washer following instructions which are not included in the final application.
It is forbidden to use detergents or products which do not comply with the specifications included in this manual, and with
the law during the washing cycle.
• It is forbidden to use with water-based products, detergents having pH values lower than 6.5 or exceeding 12.
It is forbidden in the zone B to use solvents that contain chlorurate or fluorocarbons, such as: Trichloroethane, Methylene
Chloride or other substances with halogenated hydrocarbon-based products
• It is forbidden in the zone A to use solvents
• It is forbidden to mix the water of zone A with the solvent of zone B
• The use of the Spray-gun washer is strictly forbidden to anyone who has not fully read and understood the contents of this
instruction manual
• It is strictly forbidden to let the Spray-gun washer be used by anyone who is not properly skilled or duly trained or is not in
perfect health.
It is forbidden to put unsuitable objects and weights above 3 Kg on the grid top (fig.1, W6C and 25) of the spray-gun
It is forbidden to continually disconnect and reconnect the air supply hose from its connection (fig.1, 12).
• It is forbidden to puncture, scratch or scrape metal on the sides of the Spray-gun washer, as it could cause sparks.
• It is forbidden to have nylon, plastic, glass wool, GRP or similar products next or over the Spray-gun washer to avoid
electrostatic charges.
It is forbidden to use welders of open flame equipments and incandescent materials in the same area housing the Spray-
gun washer.
• Before using the Spray-gun washer all safety devices must be checked for integrity
• For the washing cycle, you must use only water for the zone A and solvent for the zone B
It is mandatory that periodically you clean the grid top (fig.1, W6C-25).
Before using the Spray-gun washer, connect the external ground wire (fig. 1, 74) to the workshop plant.
It is mandatory that while loading and unloading the drum not to spill the solvent on the workshop floor.
Before using the Spray-gun washer, it is mandatory that the solvent feeding and discharge hoses (fig.1, 7-W7-
23-W23-24-26) are firmly inserted in their respective drums, be careful not to bend them and make sure they are not
damaged. Also check that the discharge hose (fig.1, 26) is always downwardly placed.
Before using the Spray-gun washer you must ensure that the cover (fig.1, 46) closes perfectly the inspection hole.
• The spray guns to be washed must be only made of metal or antistatic material
The dry filter (fig. 1, 20) must be periodically cleaned
It is mandatory that, to avoid an overflow, you periodically check the level of water in the tank (fig.1, W2) and ensure that
the solvent in the drums (fig. 1, 27-28) is not above its normal level.
• If you plan not to use the use the Spray-gun washer for an extended period, be sure to: (zone A) empty the dirty water
tank (fig. 1, 2) and rinse) with clean water; (zone B), rinse with clean solvent the grid top (fig.1, 25), empty the two drums
(fig.1, 27-28) and disconnect the air supply.
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