Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter6 Trou bles hooting
17 4
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
M essage type errordisplay and solutions
The following are the mes s age type errord isplay and s olutions .
The following mes s age type errors are d isplayed when an erroroc c u rs while operating the
W hen one ofthe following mes s age type errord isplays appears , the printermay s top
Ifthe printers tops operation, s olve the problem to d elete the errormes s age and res tartthe
Errorm essages regarding m edia feeding
The firs tline ofthe operation paneld isplays the following errorm es s age.
O thererrorm essages
The fou rth line ofthe operation paneld isplays the following error.
N °
D ispla y
D escript
S olut
Und efined med ia
The printerfailed to d etec t
the med ia.
(The printers tops . )
Reload the med ia.
med ia S lant
The m ed ia was fed atan
angle into the printer.
(The printers tops . )
Reload the med ia.
E nd O fRoll
Rollmed ia ru ns ou t.
(The printers tops . )
L oad new rollmed ia.
C overO pen
The frontc overis open.
(The printers tops . )
C los e the frontc over.
P leas e S etM ed ia
The pres s u re rolleris raised .
There is no m ed ia.
S etthe med ia and lowerthe
pres s u re roller.
N °
D ispla y
D escript
S olut
InkS tatus
N o Filled [* ]
Initialfilling has notbeen
performed .
P erform initialfilling ofthe
4 M emory S tatu s
N oM em ory
D IM M 64 M B
S hortofmemory while
c onverting orprinting d ata.
C ons iderinc reas ing the
memory c apac ity.
Содержание Viper TX 100
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Страница 4: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 4 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...
Страница 76: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er3 B as i c s 7 6 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...
Страница 94: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er4 P er i od i c al mai nt enanc e 9 4 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...
Страница 162: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er5 P r i nt ermenu 16 2 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...