Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter5 P rintermenu
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
Initialize setup m enu
Returns parameters to the fac tory s ettings .
up it
em s
P a ra m et
D escript
Initialize (1 /3)
A ll
Retu rns allparameters to the fac tory s etting.
M ed iaS et
Retu rns parameters in the med ia s etupmenu to
the fac tory s etting.
P rintM od e
Retu rns parameters in the printmod e m enu to the
fac tory s etting.
C om mand
Retu rns parameters in the c omm and s etupmenu
to the fac tory s etting.
Initialize (2 /3)
L ayou t
Retu rns parameters in the layou ts etupmenu to
the fac tory s etting.
Fu nc tion
Retu rns parameters in the fu nc tion s etu pm enu to
the fac tory s etting.
RollS etu p
Retu rns parameters in the rollm ed ia s etu pmenu
to the fac tory s etting.
C entro Interfac e
Retu rns parameters in the C entronics s etu pmenu
to the fac tory s etting.
Initialize (3/3)
N etwork
Retu rns parameters in the networks etupmenu to
the fac tory s etting.
Retu rns parameters in the u tility s etupm enu to the
fac tory s etting.
The file managements etu pmenu values are res et
to fac tory d efau lts ettings .
: S hifts to the previou s hierarc hy menu .
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Страница 162: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er5 P r i nt ermenu 16 2 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...