Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter1 S afety ins tru c tions
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
C om pliance w ith the follow ing regulations
The C E marking is a mand atory E u ropean marking forc ertain
prod u c tgrou ps to ind icate c onformity with the es s entialhealth and
s afety req u irements s etou tin Eu ropean D irec tives .
B y affixing the C E m arking, the manu fac turer, his au thorized
repres entative, orthe pers on plac ing the prod u c ton the marketor
pu tting itinto s ervice ens u res thatthe item meets allthe es s ential
requ irem ents ofallapplicable EU d irec tives and thatthe applicable
c onformity as s es s mentproc ed u res have been applied .
You rprod u c tis d es igned and m anu fac tured with high-qu ality
materials and c omponents, which c an be rec yc led and reu s ed .
W hen this c ros s ed -ou twheeled bin s u bm enu is attac hed to a
prod u c t,itm eans the prod u c tis c overed by the E u ropean D irec tive
2 0 0 2 /96/E C -W EE E regu lation.
P leas e inform you rs elfabou tthe loc als eparate c ollec tion s ys tem for
elec tricaland elec tronic prod u c ts.
P leas e ac tac c ord ing to loc alru les and d o notd ispos e ofyou rold
prod u c ts with you rnormalhou s ehold was te. The c orrec td ispos alof
you rold prod u c twillhelppreventpotentialnegative c ons equ enc es
forthe environm entand hu man health.
This equ ipmenthas been tes ted and fou nd to c omply with the limits
fora C las s A d igitald evice, pu rs u antto P art1 5 ofthe FC C Ru les .
Thes e limits are d es igned to provide reas onable protec tion agains t
harm fu linterferenc e when the eq u ipm entis operated in a c omm erc ial
environm ent. This equ ipm entgenerates , u s es , and c an rad iate rad io
freq u enc y energy and , ifnotins talled and u s ed in ac c ord anc e with
the ins tru c tion manu al,may c au s e harmfu linterferenc e to rad io
c ommu nications . O peration ofthis eq u ipmentin a res identialarea is
likely to c au s e harm fu linterferenc e in which c as e the u s erwillbe
requ ired to c orrec tthe interferenc e athis own expens e.
This C las s A d igitalapparatus c omplies with C anad ian IC E S -0 0 3.
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Страница 76: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er3 B as i c s 7 6 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...
Страница 94: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er4 P er i od i c al mai nt enanc e 9 4 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...
Страница 162: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er5 P r i nt ermenu 16 2 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...