Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter3 B as ics
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
C autions on handling m edia
W hen you hand le med ia, pleas e pay attention to the following:
Us e rec ommend ed med ia in an appropriate environm ent. Following are the appropriate
temperatu re and hu midity ranges forprinting.
D o notu s e c reas ed , d amaged , torn, c u rled , orwrapped med ia.
The s ize of the rec ommend ed med ia c an c hange at a fixed ratio ac c ord ing to the
temperatu re c hanges of the working environment. B efore u s ing m ed ia, plac e itin the
working environm entforatleas t30 minu tes , to have itmatch to the tem peratu re of the
working area.
P rinting before the m ed ia c ou ld ac c ommod ate to the printing environm entmay c au s e
med ia jams d u e to s lippage orc reas es . This also ad vers ely affec ts the qu ality ofprinting.
M ed ia has a printable s ide and a non-printable s ide. If you printon a notprintable s ide,
blurring may oc c u r.
D o nottou c h the printable s ide of med ia. M oisture oroilfrom hand s affec ts the printing
qu ality.
D o notleave the printerfora longtime withm ed ia load ed . The m ed ia may c u rlres u ltingin
misalignm ent, med ia jams , ord ec reas ed printing qu ality. In particu lar, avoid this in winter
ord ry s eas ons .
D o notlos e the box orwrapping bag fors toring med ia.
P recaution on storing m edia
W hen s toring med ia, pay attention to the following:
D o nots tore med ia in high temperatu re, high hu midity, ord irec ts u nlight.
D o nots tore med ia vertically.
S tore s heetmed ia in the originalbag afteru npac king.
Unu s ed rollmed ia mu s tbe removed from the s c roller, rewou nd tightly, and s tored in
the originalwrapping bag and box.
D o notwetmed ia.
Tem pera t
H um idit
Rec omm end ed working
1 9 -2 6°C
40 -60 %
Rate ofc hange
W ithin 2 °C perhou r
W ithin 5% perhou r
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