Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter3 B as ics
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
ͬ»° ïìæ
L oad the trans ferpaperthrou ghthe rears wingbar, overthe printplatform , u nd erthe
pres s u re rollers as s hown below.
ͬ»° ïëæ
Foreas e ofworking, lowerthe pres s u re rollers with the footped aland go to the
frontofthe printer.
ͬ»° ïêæ
W hen in frontofthe printer, raise the pres s u re rollers and pos ition the ETT c orrec tly,
s o thatthe c omplete length ofthe trans ferpaperis c overed by the E TT.
ͬ»° ïéæ
Take the c entre ofthe trans ferpaper. P u llits traightd own u ntilthe reartens ioning
s ys tem
g ent
hits the bac kofthe mac hine. This to bec om e an equ altens ion.
M a kesuret
o rem ov et
h em edia ret
a iners.
N °
D escript
trans ferpaper
Rears wingbar
P rintplatform and pres s u re rollers
Содержание Viper TX 100
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