Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter6 Trou bles hooting
16 6
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
Failures and m alfunctions ofthe printer
This s ec tion d es c ribes the failures and m alfu nc tions ofthe printernotd isplayed as errors ,
theirc au s es and s olutions .
T he printerdoes notw ork afterthe pow eris sw itched on.
T he printerdoes notw orkafterm edia is loaded.
T he printerdoes notw ork afterdata is sentfrom a com puter.
N °
P ossibleca use
S olut
You d id notplug the powerc able in.
P lug in the powerc able.
The A C powerd oes notmatch the
s pec ified voltage.
Us e the printeratthe s pec ified voltage
The frontc overis open.
C los e the frontc over.
N °
P ossibleca use
S olut
The frontc overis open.
C los e the frontc over
The pres s u re rollers have been
raised .
L owerthe pres s u re rollers lever.
You d id notload the med ia s traight
into the printer.
Errorm es s age "m ed ia S lant"
L oad the m ed ia s traightinto the printer.
O ne ormore inkc as s ettes have not
been ins talled .
Ins tall(an)inkc as s ette(s).
You u s ed the printerin d irec ts u nlight
orotherloc ations notappropriate for
the s pec ified environment.
Us e the printerin the s pec ified
N °
P ossibleca use
S olut
You d id notc onnec tthe interfac e
c able.
C onnec tthe interfac e c ables .
N o c orres pond ing IP ad d res s
C hec kyou rc onnec tion throu gh a " ping" +
" IP ad d res s " .
O ne ormore inkc as s ettes have not
been ins talled .
Ins tall(an)inkc as s ette(s).
Содержание Viper TX 100
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Страница 4: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 4 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...
Страница 76: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er3 B as i c s 7 6 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...
Страница 94: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er4 P er i od i c al mai nt enanc e 9 4 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...
Страница 162: ...Us er s Gu i d e Vi perTX 10 0 C hapt er5 P r i nt ermenu 16 2 A P 7 5350 Revi s i on 1 1 ...