User manual 55170_hdb_en_13
79 / 145
Port mode
This parameter cannot be modified and is automatically determined when se-
lecting a certain sub-port for the IO-Link master.
Port cycle time
Fig. 8-20: Cycle time for communication
Cycle time for communication
Tab. 8-24: Cycle time for communication
The port cycle time defines which cycle time should be used for communica-
tion between IO-Link master and IO-Link device.
For most applications, “As fast as possible” is the best choice. When estab-
lishing communication, the master and the device select the shortest possible
cycle time.
Under certain circumstances (e.g. when using inductive couplers or other de-
vices switched between the master and the IO-Link device), this mechanism
may be affected adversely.
In these cases, select a fixed cycle time (which both master and device must
support) to remedy this problem.
A cycle time of 10 ms is required for Art.-No. 59450 Primary and Art.-No.
59451 Secondary inductive couplers from Murrelektronik GmbH.
= Default
As fast as possible
The Master and the IO-Link device automatical-
ly determine the quickest cycle time.
3.2 … 128.0 ms
Setting cycle time to this value.