Common Issues Fixed Easily with the Fox and
Hound Troubleshooting Kit
- Sparkles are a telltale sign of insufficient cables (for example cables that cannot
pass the required bandwidth). Using both the generator and analyzer test
HDMI cable in
the system for functionality and capability. Verify that
cable can pass the required band
width for the system to function properly.
No picture/Flashing picture
- No picture or flashing picture is usually either a
bandwidth limitation or an HDCP compatibility issue. It is recommended when testing bandwidth
to turn HDCP off on the generator. Using the generator in place of the source, inject a video signal
into the system. Move the generator downstream in place of each device until you pinpoint which
device is not passing the signal. If you have verified that signal is passing through the system with
HDCP off, the problem is most likely an HDCP compatibility issue. Repeat the process of moving the
generator downstream in place of each device (testing HDCP 1.4 and HDCP 2.2) until you pinpoint
which device is not passing the signal. If you have verified that the signal is passing through the
system with HDCP on, connect the analyzer directly to the source and verify functionality, band
width, and HDCP Version.
- Using the analyzer in place of the sink (TV/Projector) verify that HDR is coming
through the system from the source all the way to the sink (TV/Projector). Once the system is
verified connect the generator directly to the sink (TV/Projector) and press the AUTO button to
read the EDID of the sink (TV/Projector). The EDID information will contain whether the sink (TV/
Projector) is HDR capable or not. If it is capable of HDR, use the generator in place of the source
and inject a video signal that includes HDR metadata into the system. If there is still no HDR at the
sink (TV/Projector) move the generator downstream in place of each device until you find out which
device is not passing HDR.
Image has banding
- Image banding is generally associated with a low bandwidth
signal. Using the analyzer in place of the display press the INFO button and note the "Color Depth",
then remove the analyzer and reconnect the sink (TV/Projector) to the system. Using the generator
in place of the source, inject a video signal of varying bit depths (8, 10, and 12bit). The color bit
depth of the signal coming out of the generator should match the color bit depth that you previous
ly noted with the analyzer. If it does not, move the generator downstream in place of each device
trying each bit depth until the image no longer has banding issues. Once you discover which device
in the system is causing the bandwidth limitation check the output settings of that device and ad
just the bit depth accordingly (
Refer to the owner's manual for specific instructions on how to adjust
the output of that device