• High level of rigidity
• Low noise and vibration level
The crankcase (1) is the component where the power generated by the combustion process of the fuel/air
mixture in the cylinders is transmitted to the crankshaft. The crankcase is cast as a single solid unit to with-
stand the forces involved.
In addition to other components, the crankshaft (13) and camshaft (15) bearings are inside the crankcase.
The crankcase incorporates bores to route lube oil and engine coolant lines (2), (4), (6), (7), and for the cylin-
der liners (5).
The oil pan (11) serves as a lube oil reservoir, also catching lube oil as it returns from the engine.
Ports facilitate visual inspection of the lower cylinder liners or assembly/disassembly of the crank drive
when the oil pan is bolted on. They are closed off by inspection port covers (10) or installed components,
e.g. fuel filters.
MS15060/01E 2018-12
| Functional Description | 45
TIM-ID: 0000067387 - 002