Access the MXNVR-RO-T Web-interface
Take the following steps to upgrade the firmware:
Step 1: Press the Browse button to select the firmware file.
For the VPort, the firmware file extension should be .rom.
Step 2: Click on the Upgrade button to upload the firmware to the MXNVR-RO-T.
Step 3: The system will start the firmware upgrade process.
Updating process will take about 2 minutes. Upgrading the firmware will not change most of the original
Download Tool
Download Tool allows users to download the configuration tool straight from the web console. After
downloading the installation package it needs to be installed before configuring the MXNVR-RO-T.
Installation steps
Follow the steps below to install the MXNVR-RO-T configuration tool.
Step 1: choose the installer language