ioLogik 2500 Series
Configuration Library
Modbus Serial Tag
Timeout Setting: The timeout setting for the ioLogik to wait for a response from a connected serial
device when polling Modbus registers (1 to 65535 sec(s); default = 5).
Name: Specify a name for the serial tag.
Data Type: Select the data type assigned to the serial tag (options: Boolean, WORD, DWORD,
Device ID: Set the device id of the connected serial device.
Function Code: Select the function code for ioLogik to poll this Modbus register (options: “01: Read
Coil Status,” “02: Read Input Status,” “03: Read Holding Registers,” “04: Read Input Registers.”)
Data Conversion: If the data type of the serial tag is WORD, and the function code is 03 or 04, the
serial tag can be set to “HiByte & LoByte” or LoByte & HiByte.” If the data type of the serial tag is
DWORD or Float, and the function code is 03 or 04, the serial tag can be set to “HiWord & LoWord”
or LoWord & HiWord.”
Start Address: Define the start address of the Modbus register for the ioLogik to poll.
Add: Click the add button after you finish the above settings.
Apply: Click the serial tag you want to modify, change the settings of this serial tag, and then click
the apply button to make it effective.
Delete: Click the serial tag you want to delete, and then click delete button to delete this serial tag.
If the Serial Tunnel setting is used in ioLogik 2500 cellular models, the network should be set to Cellular
Always On (under: Settings
Select Network Interface). Otherwise, the Cellular
connection will disconnect and a serial tunnel will not be created.