7 Web Page Reference
The web user interface menu has three main options.
This presents to the operator a high level summary of the PTP 300 Series Bridge
point-to-point wireless link.
This presents a more detailed set of system parameters describing the
performance of the wireless link together with other key system performance metrics.
System Administration
: This section is password protected and allows the system
administrator to perform all the day-to-day administrative procedures, for example
software upgrade and configuration changes.
7.2 Home (System Summary)
The home page for the PTP 300 Series Bridge (Figure 36) displays a high level summary of
the status of the wireless link and associated equipment.
Figure 36 - System Summary Page
The home page normally displays four key system attributes:
Wireless Link Status
The Wireless Link Status attribute displays the current status of the PTP 300 Series Bridge
wireless link. A state of ‘Up’ on a green background indicates that a point-to-point link is
established. A state of ‘Down’ on a red background indicates that the wireless link is not
established. If the link is down for an unknown reason the system administrator should first
consult the status web page for a more detailed summary of up to date system diagnostics.
Link Name
The link name attribute is a name and/or handle allocated by the system administrator to aid
the identification of the unit, network or building.
Elapsed Time Indicator
The elapsed time indicator attribute presents the total time in days, hours, minutes and
seconds since the last system restart. The system can restart for several reasons, for
example, commanded reboot from the system reboot webpage, or a power cycle of the
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