4 Planning Considerations
The link may suffer severely reduced data rate and availability if the LOS mode is
enabled in a link with an obstructed path.
The Line Of Sight mode control is in the Installation Wizard. If the user selects LOS mode
and the link range clearly exceeds 10 km (6.2 miles), the unit automatically disables LOS
mode and data rates, and raises a "Line Of Sight Mode Inactive" front panel alarm and email
4.5.3 Obstructions
A survey must be performed to identify all the obstructions (such as trees or buildings) in the
path and to assess the risk of interference. This information is important if you are to achieve
an accurate link feasibility assessment.
4.5.4 PTP LINKPlanner
Link planning enables a link of known quality to be installed. This involves the acquisition of
path profile data (using Motorola’s free LINKPlanner utility). The LINKPlanner predicts data
rates and reliability over the path. It allows the user to try different antenna heights and RF
power settings. When the link is installed, the mean path loss can be checked to confirm that
the predicted data rate and link reliability is achievable. Motorola LINKPlanner is available to
download from
4Gon www.4Gon.co.uk [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1245 808195 Fax: +44 (0)1245 808299