Memory Controller Interface
Memory Controller Interface
The GT-64260B can access up to four banks of SDRAM for a total of 1GB
of SDRAM memory. The memory bus is capable of operating up to
133 MHz.
The MVME5500 board has two banks on board and a connector for an
expansion mezzanine board with two additional banks.
Interrupt Controller
The MVME5500 uses the interrupt controller integrated into GT-64260B
to manage the GT-64260B internal interrupts, as well as the external
interrupt requests. The external interrupt sources include the following:
On-board PMC interrupts
LAN interrupts
VME interrupts
RTC interrupt
Watchdog timer interrupts
Abort switch interrupt
External UART interrupts
The interrupt controller provides up to seven interrupt output pins for
various interrupt functions. For additional details regarding the external
interrupt assignments, refer to the MVME5500 Single-Board Computer
Programmer’s Reference Guide.
I2C Serial Interface and Devices
A two-wire serial interface for the MVME5500 board is provided by a
master/slave capable I2C serial controller integrated into the GT-64260B
device. The I2C serial controller provides two basic functions. The first
function is to optionally provide GT-64260B register initialization
following a reset. The GT-64260B can be configured (by setting jumper
J17) to automatically read data out of a serial EEPROM following a reset