Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Raven PCI Host Bridge & Multi-Processor Interrupt Controller Chip
MPC Address Bus Time-out Interrupt Enable. When
this bit is set, the MATO bit in the MERST register will be
used to assert an interrupt through the OpenPIC interrupt
controller. When this bit is clear, no interrupt will be
PCI Parity Error Interrupt Enable. When this bit is set,
the PERR bit in the MERST register will be used to assert
an interrupt through the OpenPIC interrupt controller.
When this bit is clear, no interrupt will be asserted.
PCI System Error Interrupt Enable. When this bit is
set, the PERR bit in the MERST register will be used to
assert an interrupt through the OpenPIC interrupt
controller. When this bit is clear, no interrupt will be
PCI Master Signalled Master Abort Interrupt Enable.
When this bit is set, the SMA bit in the MERST register
will be used to assert an interrupt through the OpenPIC
interrupt controller. When this bit is clear, no interrupt will
be asserted.
PCI Master Received Target Abort Interrupt Enable.
When this bit is set, the RTA bit in the MERST register
will be used to assert an interrupt through the OpenPIC
interrupt controller. When this bit is clear, no interrupt will
be asserted.