Update Android software
For best performance, keep your phone updated with the latest available Android software.
Check Android version number
To check what version of Android your phone is running:
1. Go to
About phone
Android version
2. The number displayed is your phone's Android version.
Get Android software updates
Your phone notifies you if an Android software update is available.
To manually check for updates, go to
System updates
If an upgrade is available, follow the onscreen instructions to install it.
To save data charges, use a
You can't downgrade to a previous software version after installing an update.
Timing for Android software updates
For the latest update plans, see the
website for your country. Our support
agents get their Android update information from here too. If the website doesn't have a update
release date for your phone, then we don’t know the release date yet.
We deliver Android updates from Google to you as soon as possible, but with several phone
models, regions, and distribution channels we may have hundreds of software versions to test
before releasing an Android software update to your phone. Because dependencies on carriers
and other key partners for certifications, independent testing, and requests for changes take
more time, all phone owners don't receive updates at the same time, even in the same region.
Reset Wi-Fi, cellular data, and Bluetooth
If you're having problems with connections, review this information first:
Then, if you’re still experiencing problems, try resetting all network settings:
Fix a problem : Maintenance procedures