the camera as a whole or to each individual head.
a. Select the All Heads tab to adjust the settings that apply to all of the camera heads.
b. In the All Heads tab, you can set the Imaging mode:
Select Global to apply the same Day/Night and Exposure settings to all of the camera heads.
Use the settings listed in the All Heads tab to adjust the camera image settings. The same
settings on each numbered head tab are disabled.
Select Per-head to apply different Day/Night and Exposure settings to each camera head. Select
the different head tabs to change the settings for each camera head.
c. Select each numbered head tab to adjust the focus controls for each camera head. These settings must
be manually adjusted for each camera head.
5. To set how the camera compensates for the environmental lighting conditions, define the following settings:
Day/Night Mode: Use the Day/Night Mode drop-down list to set how the video image switches between
day and night mode.
Automatic: When the light level is above the day/night threshold, the video image will be in
color. When the light level goes below the day/night threshold, the camera will automatically
open the IR cut filter and switch to monochrome mode. If IR illuminators are enabled, they also
turn on.
Check the Restore Automatic after Timeout box to automatically restore the Day/Night mode to
Automatic after a certain timeout period. The Timeout field can be assigned a value between 5s
and 3600s for the timeout period.
Use the Day/Night Threshold slider to set the day/night threshold. Move the slider to select the
light level when the camera switches between day mode and night mode. The slider is only
available when the Day/Night Mode setting is set to Automatic.
The slider may display one of the following values:
Day/Night Threshold (EV): The slider value is in Exposure Values (EV).
In day mode, the last known light level is displayed under the image panel and is also
shown as a blue bar on the Day/Night Threshold slider.
Day/Night Threshold (gain dB): The slider value is in decibels (dB).
Use the Hysteresis setting to refine the threshold offset.
Choose Low when the camera should switch from day to night in scenes where the
difference between light and dark levels are small.
Choose High when the camera should switch modes when the difference between light
and dark levels are large.
The default value is Medium.
Color: The video image will always be in color.
Monochrome: The video image will always be monochrome.
Image and Display