Step 6 — Loading Filament and Starting Print
Palette will initialize, before prompting to load filament into the inputs.
The printer will automatically preheat while Palette produces splices.
Once Palette is done creating the initial splices, there should be about an inch of filament coming
out of the outgoing tube. Insert this filament end into the extruder, so it is gripped by the printer's
extruder gears.
If Palette is connected to WiFi, this can be done through the setup controls on Canvas. Or, you
can use the printer's screen/controls to drive filament forward through the extruder.
Once the filament is gripped by the extruder’s gears, jog the filament to insert the tube end into the
clip grommet.
The remaining filament to load into the extruder will be automatically jogged if smartloading is
Clear the purged filament from the nozzle, and start printing!
Connected Mode with Palette 3
Note: Go to page
to learn how to evaluate the calibration print
and find out the next steps for printing.
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