The following inspections and maintenance tasks are recommended at least two times per year
for best controller performance.
1. Confirm that the correct battery type is selected. Turn the rotary switch to another
setting and then back to the setting desired, and count the LED flashes.
2. Confirm that the maximum current of the solar array and load does not exceed the
ProStar ratings.
3. Tighten all the terminals. Inspect for loose or broken wire connections.
4. Check that the controller is securely mounted in a clean, protected environment.
5. Check that the air flow and the ventilation holes are not blocked.
6. Inspect for dirt, insects, nests, and corrosion.
7. Check that the controller functions and LED indicators are correct for the system
conditions at that time.
Two specialized capabilities will apply to some ProStar owners.
A) Remote Temperature Probe
An optional remote temperature probe can be soldered to the ProStar assembly at
any time. The standard cable length is 25 ft (7.6 m), and this can easily be extended
to 100 ft (30 m) or longer. The 2 probe wires are soldered to the main board
assembly between the temperature sensor and the green LED, at “J12“.
Instructions are provided with the remote probe. The ProStar will automatically select
the remote probe for battery temperature compensation if it is installed.
B) Telecom Noise Jumper
Some telecom equipment will produce noise when the ProStar begins PWM
regulation. If this occurs, a jumper can be cut to eliminate the noise. Instructions
• First, try to improve the system grounding which often eliminates the noise. The
PWM battery charging provides a significant benefit to the battery, and it is worth
trying to preserve the PWM charging.
• If the noise continues, disconnect the controller and remove the ProStar assembly
from its plastic case.
• Locate a vertical resistor in the upper right hand corner of the board, near the
microcontroller. This is identified as “J11“ on the board.
• Cut one leg of the resistor and separate the leads.
This will convert the battery charging to a typical “on-off“ regulation of the solar
energy. The switching is very slow, so the noise will not be noticeable. The
equalization and float features of the battery charging algorithm are preserved in the
“on-off“ mode.
In the future, this can be reversed back to PWM if the cut jumper leg is soldered
back together.