Home Screen
From the Home Screen, select the
“Quick Start” button to initiate the
Quick Start sequence, which walks
the user through the necessary steps
to start a simple job (Paper Format,
Paper Thickness and Fold Settings).
Select the “play” button to get to the
run screen.
Select the “folder” button open the
saved job list.
Intro Page
Turning on the Morgana Pro 385
brings up the introductory page. This
page is in place for operator safety.
The Main Menu will not come up
unless the operator acknowledges
he or she is trained to operate the
Quick Start Screen 1:
Paper Format / Orientation
The Paper Format sub-menu allows
for selection of standard formats.
Toggle between portrait and
landscape by pushing the marked
Due to physical constraints, only
A4 sheets may be rotated in this
Quick Start Screen 2:
Paper Thickness
The proper paper thickness must be
selected so that machine parameters
are set correctly for optimal
A = 80 - 120 gsm
B = 121 - 250 gsm
C = 251 - 400 gsm
2. Setting Up a Job
Quick Start