5.1 Lymphatic system
The lymphatic system is a complex network composed of
lymphatic vessels (the most important of which is the thoracic
duct), and lymphoid tissue. The lymphoid tissue is found in the
lymph nodes, the so-called MALT (mucose-associated lymphoid
tissue) and in the structures dedicated to the production and
putting into circulation of lymphocytes, such as bone marrow
and thymus.
In lymph vessels flows the sap, which is drained by the
peripheral tissues and poured into the venae cavae.
The lymphatic system is an important component of the immune
system and has many functions in relation with each other:
• Remove excess water from the tissues;
• Absorption of fatty acids and subsequent transport of fat
into the circulatory system;
• Production and transport of immune cells such as
lymphocytes, monocytes;
• Transport of Antigen-Presenting Cell from the tissues to the
lymph nodes, the site of stimulation of the immune response;
• Production of antibodies;
5.2 Field of application
The pressure therapy is a treatment based on the application of external pressure on the body
according to a specified gradient and with a sequence programmed using an electrical device
and accessories worn by the patient. The inflatable garments (boots/sleeves/waist) are made of
air chambers. The pump fills the air chambers in order to pressurize the tissues in the limbs and
force fluids out of the pressurized area. The pressure sequence starts from the periphery of the
lymphatic and blood vessels and progressively activates the circulation.
It is very important to consult a doctor before undergoing the pressotherapy, because its use
could damage your health. Please note that more benefits do not always correspond to a higher
pressure. The maximum pressure used should not exceed the minimal arterial pressure of the
patient in order not to stop the oxygenated blood flow to the tissues.
It is important to unblock the lymph nodes manually before each treatment (starting draining
from the superclavicular, then to the inguinal and finally to the popliteal).
The use of pressotherapy is indicated in many diseases such as:
• Lymphedema either congenital or postoperative
• Edema by water retention
• Edema for venous insufficiency
• Primary and secondary lymphedema
• Post-mastectomy lymphedema
• Lipedema
• Cellulite (adiposis edematosa)
• Venous or lymphatic edema in pregnancy
• Post-thrombotic syndrome or post-phlebitis
• Prevention of venous thrombosis before and after surgery
Here are some examples of the above indications where the pressure therapy is recommended
(indicative list):
• Lymphatic drainage: legs - arms - swollen feet or legs
• Lymphedemas
• Edema because of immobility