Electromagnetic compatibility warnings
This device has been tested and proved in conformity with the limits for medical devices of EN
60601-1-2: 2007. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a typical medical application. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may
cause harmful interference to other devices in the vicinity. However there are no total guarantees
that the electromagnetic interference may occur in special circumstances. If this device does
cause harmful interference to other devices, which can be determined by tuning off, the user is
encouraged to follow the following steps:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving device
• Increase the distance between the devices
• Connect the device to a plug or circuit different from other devices
• Consult the manufacturer or an authorized service center
• Do not use mobile phones and other devices in the vicinity of the device. They can
generate strong electrical or electromagnetic fields as they can interfere with the
operation of the device.
• Please do not use in an area with strong electromagnetic radiation, and during the
use of this to keep at least a distance of 40cm from the user's cardiac pacemaker.
The pressotherapy is a lymphatic massage which operates on the venous and lymphatic
circulation. Its purpose is to normalize the venous circulation, avoiding lymphatic stasis and
increasing the peripheral microcirculation.
The pressure sequence improves the lymph flow from the interstitial spaces to the lymph nets,
helping to promote the body’s natural toxin clearing functions. This increases the venous flow
(blood flow to the heart).
Although its beneficial effects, the pressotherapy is not indicated for everyone. In certain states
of disease there may be an increased risk, for this reason it is recommended to consult a doctor
before undergoing the therapy.
Among the possible uses please note:
• Normalize the lymphatic system.
• Body shaping and profiling
• To give support to the doctor in the treatment and prevention of vascular diseases
• Increase Endurance and Oxygenation for Sport Performance
• To relieve discomforts such as: swollen and heavy feet, ankles and legs, water retention,
cramps, tired legs, muscle fatigue.
• Re-absorption of edema.
While representing a seemingly simple therapeutic aid and often proposed and
practiced by non-medical professionals (beauty salons), please note that it is
essential that this treatment is prescribed and implemented on the basis of precise
instructions and after a careful clinical examination (visit) to identify the frequency,
the type, the duration of treatment and the possible contraindications. It is therefore
recommended to always check with your doctor's physical and health condition
before undergoing sessions of pressure therapy.