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Cut and install several pieces of foam rubber between
the fuel tank and the fuselage sides to secure the fuel tank
into place. When you install the hatch cover later on, put a
piece of foam on top of the tank so the hatch cover will hold
the tank down in place.
Make sure the foam will not interfere with installation of
the throttle pushrod wire.
# 1 Phillips Head Screwdriver
Excel Modeling Knife
Electric Drill
5/64" Drill Bit
Ernst Airplane Stand
Step 1: Installing the Elevator, Rudder, Throttle & Aileron Servos
Install the servos into the fuselage servo tray as shown.
Note the position of the servo output shafts. They should all
be toward the
of the fuselage.
To make it easier to run the servo leads into the wing
saddle, install the two rear-most servos first.
Install the rubber grommets and brass collets onto your elevator, rudder , throttle and two aileron servos, making sure
to install the collets with the flanges toward the bottom of the servo.
Cut away and remove the covering material from over the servo lead exit holes in the top of the wing. One exit hole is
located in each wing half, 4" in front of the trailing edge and 1/2" out from the centerline.
Using a modeling knife, cut away and remove the covering
material from over the aileron servo cutouts. One cutout is
located in each half of the wing, 5-1/4" out from the side of the
belly pan and 4-1/4" in front of the aileron hinge line.
Install the servos and pull the servo leads out through
the exit holes in the top of the wing. Note the position of the
servo output shaft. It should be toward the trailing edge of
the wing.