Snapshot is a feature that allows you to compare your edited sound with the sound that is
saved in the currently loaded patch.
When a sound has been edited an asterisk (*) will appear at the beginning of the name to let
you know that there are unsaved changes. At this point you can press the snapshot button
(menu button ‘E’) to hear the original sound and the asterisk will dissapear. Pressing this
button again will take you back to your edited sound.
When Snapshot is enabled or disabled the user is kept on the current page. A useful example
of this functionality is when a user has changed some filter settings on the VCF page but
wants to know what the original filter settings were. Pressing the snapshot button will show
the saved settings, then pressing again will show the current settings.
Please note any changes made when Snapshot is enabled are discarded when Snapshot is
disabled, so re-enabling will go back to the original sound that was loaded, not the sound
before disabling Snapshot mode.
Pressing and holding menu button ‘E’ will reload the original sound and discard any changes
you may have made.