First version
Rev 1.00
22 Sep 2016
Helios User Manual
EtherNet/IP Setup
Place the Helios where it will be convenient to measure the laser.
Connect 24 V DC to standard Profinet / EtherNet/IP jack. (Use Ophir Power Cable for Helios P/N
7Z10458A, see Chapter 6 “Connectors” for more details)
Connect EtherNet /IP RJ45 cable to jack. (Use Ophir EtherNet/IP Cable for Helios P/N 7E01299, see Chapter
6 “Connectors” for more details)
The Helios is delivered with a factory default IP address of, Subnet Mask, and Default
Gateway Update the IP address of the Helios using one of the following methods.
If the present IP address is known, and it is possible to connect to it via a PC or PLC, connect to the Helios
using a web browser tool such as Chrome or Internet Explorer. Enter the present IP address in the browser
address window, and the following window should open. Select “Settings”.
At the next prompt enter the user name “admin” and password “admin”
The configuration window will open showing the present IP settings. Change them as required and then click
the “submit” button to make the change permanent.
If the IP address is known but a connection is not possible, if using a PC it may be possible to change the IP
settings of the PC to match the present settings of the Helios in order to connect as above. Go to: Control
Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings. Select “Local Area Connection”, properties.
Select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, Properties.
Change the PC IP address to match the same gateway as the Helios but do NOT use the same exact IP
address, for example if the Helios is set to default settings, choose IP address 10.0.0.
, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway Then continue as above using a web browser.
If neither of the above options is possible, a tool called “Ethernet Device Configuration” is available. Please
contact Ophir for more details.
Install the tool and start it up. Choose “Search Devices” to display all devices found on the network.