First version
Rev 1.00
22 Sep 2016
Helios User Manual
Chapter 10 – Getting Started With EtherNet/IP
This chapter describes how to control the Helios using the EtherNet/IP protocol, and how to read data from the Helios.
Examples are shown using a PC based tool called “EIP_TOOL”, available on the internet from Molex/ODVA.
The principles described in this chapter should be applicable to any EtherNet/IP tools running on a PLC or a PC.
The tool can be downloaded from the Molex website.
Download the tool and install on the PC. The Helios “EDS” file will need to be imported to the network before
starting, see above.
Connecting to the Helios:
From the top screen of the tool, choose the first tab (page) on the left “List Identity” and press “Send List Identity
Request on UDP”. You may need to click twice before getting a response. The Helios will appear under “Station: <IP
address> (HELIOS), see below. Click on this line where it shows the Helios to select this unit.
Choose the second page “Explicite Message”. The following configurations need to be entered to communicate with
the Helios via EtherNet/IP.
Get_Attribute_Single (Service Code: 0x0E) - to read data and status from Helios, 66 bytes.
Set_Attribute_Single (Service Code: 0x10) - to send data (command) to Helios, 1 byte command code.
Choose the option in the selection box to the right of the word “Service” (not the one displaying “14” in the picture
0x04 - Assembly object stores process data for exchange with other EtherNet/IP devices over the network
101 (0x65) - output, to read data from Helios, 66 bytes.
100 (0x64) - input, to write command to Helios, 1 byte.
The value should be entered in the window as “101” or “100”.
Instance Attribute:
3 - To perform the request (read data from Helios or send command to Helios)
4 - To query number of bytes supported in Attribute 3; reads back the number from Helios.