First version
Rev 1.00
22 Sep 2016
Helios User Manual
Save Head Configuration Settings:
$HC S[CR] -> *[CR] {Saves the CURRENT SETTINGS of energy scale as the power-up defaults}
Note: In order to change the power-up defaults, the following sequence is necessary:
a. Set desired power scale using $WN command
b. Save chosen settings using $HC S command
Calibration Query:
$CQ <0|1|2> <new-factor>[CR] ->*<User energy factor> <User laser factor> <Overall laser factor> <Overall power
sensitivity in A/W>[CR] {Query and set presently active calibration factors. Sending the command with no parameter
(or parameter 0) queries the current factors. Send parameter “1” followed by a new factor to change the user energy
factor. Send parameter “2” followed by a new factor to change the user laser factor, which only affects the current
laser setting (wavelength).}
Note: The overall laser factor is affected by the user laser factor and an Ophir calibration factor that cannot be changed
by the user. The overall sensitivity is a composite of the User Energy factor, the Laser factors in use, and an Ophir
overall sensitivity factor that cannot be adjusted by the User. Note that changes in the Energy Factor affect this field
for all Lasers. Changes in the User Laser Factor affect this field only for the present laser in use.
New-factor is a floating-point number between 0.0002 and 2.0 scaled up by 10000 (2 to 20000).
$CQ->*1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2.5926E-8 – Query – The user energy factor, user laser factor, and overall laser factor
are all set to 1. The overall sensitivity is 2.5926E-8.
$CQ 1 11000->*1.1000 1.0000 1.0000 2.5926E -8 – The energy factor is adjusted, but the power sensitivity remains
the same. (It is affected by power factor but not energy factor which was adjusted now.)
$CQ 2 11000->*1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 2.1426E-8 – Notice changing the user laser factor also affects the overall laser
factor and overall power sensitivity.
Cover Control:
$CC<1 | 2>[CR] ->*1 C | 2 O | 3 M | OK[CR] {Controls cover movement. Sending the command with no parameter
queries the current status: 1 C means cover is closed, 2 O means cover is open; 3 M means cover is in motion or error;
?ERROR means the device senses the cover is both open and closed. Sending parameter “1” closes the cover, sending
parameter “2” opens the cover.}
$CC 1 – closes the cover, returns "*OK"
$CC 2 – opens the cover, returns "*OK"
$CC – status query, command returns:
*1 C – if cover is closed
*2 O – if cover is open
*3 M – if cover is in motion
Send Exposure Time (Photodiode):
$SW[CR] ->*<Latest exposure time measurement in μs>[CR] {This command sends the latest laser exposure time
measurement or zero if the sensor is in the middle of measuring a pulse.
It can return measurements up to a maximum
rate of 15 times per second.}
*123456 for 0.123456s
*2345678 for 2.345678s
Send Complete Measurement:
$SC[CR] ->*<power> <energy> <exposure time>[CR] {This command sends the latest laser measurements, power
(W), energy (J), exposure time (s), separated by a space between each, and ended by [CR].
It can return
measurements up to a maximum rate of 15 times per second.}
9.876E3 4.938E3 5.000E-1[CR] for 9876W, 4938J, 0.5s
Send Temperature