First version
Rev 1.00
22 Sep 2016
Helios User Manual
Choose the Helios device - it will be identified as “NETIC” or similar as shown above.
Click the “Configure” button, then “SetIP Address…”. Enter the new values of IP Address and Subnet Mask
(usually and click “OK”. After a few seconds, repeat “Search Devices” to check the IP settings
are updated successfully. Note that this tool changes the IP settings temporarily; to change permanently
connect to the device via a web browser and continue as described above.
Import the EDS file (available via the Ophir website) using the “EDS Hardware Installation Tool” from
Rockwell Automation, or similar. This tool is part of the Rockwell “RSLinx Classic” tool.
It is NOT possible to set up the IP address via the RS232 link
RS232 Setup
Place the Helios where it will be convenient to measure the laser (can bolt down to chassis with M6 screws).
Connect 24 V DC to standard Profinet jack (Use Ophir Power Cable for Helios P/N 7Z10458A, see Chapter 6
“Connectors” for more details)
Connect a standard RS232 to the D9 jack.
Install the “Helios PC Application” by copying it from the Helios product page in the website and following
the installation wizard steps.
Integrate the power measurement into customer software (by scripting commands) as fits their application and
needs. See Chapter 8 for more detail and a list of commands.
Integrate into the production line routine, using RS232 program.
PC Application
The PC application is needed to upgrade the Helios firmware.
It can also be used to measure with the Helios without any programming. This can be useful for pre-
integration testing.
To begin test measurements, follow these steps:
Set scale to be above the max expected energy
Press “Open” cover
Turn on laser and wait for measurement results to appear
Can also use RS232 commands directly by enabling the terminal.
Options include: logging, instantaneous power reading, housing temperature, and the terminal
The PC application can be downloaded from the Ophir website