PanoMachine Panorama Calculator Operators Manual
Copyright by Josef Ehrler
The above mentioned circumstances inducted me to find a way to overcome this prob-
lem. The next three sub-chapters will describe the available modes to calculate a
spherical panorama.
“Calculation in fixed step sizes“
This mode
calculates the elevation values
by adding vertical fix step sizes start-
ing from Zenith to Nadir. As an example the elevation values for a spherical panorama
with 5 rows and Nadir/Zenith are +90° / +60° / +30° / 0° / -30° / -60° / -90°. The calcu-
lated overlaps between rows and also between row and Nadir/Zenith are referenced to
the long side of the picture format. The disadvantage of this mode is that by turning
the panorama head on its vertical axis by 360°, some of the overlaps are much
smaller than the requested preset value in the input field . This is the case when a pic-
ture of a row overlaps with the long side of the Nadir/Zenith image format.
Despite the disadvantages this mode, it is the most used – why? – it is very simple to
understand and to use.
“Optimize Zenith/Nadir“
This mode
goes a step further and calculates overlaps between rows which is ref-
erence to the long side of the image format. On the other hand between the rows to
Nadir/Zenith the calculated overlap is referenced to the short side of the image format.
This expands the overlap in Nadir and Zenith H/Q [%]
. However, thereby the over-
laps between rows will be reduced.
“Take into account dead angle“
In the last step the calculation will eliminate an overlap between the row to Nadir and
the dead angle of the panorama head. This overlap is wasted information which can
be used to increase the overlaps between rows and the row to Zenith. In case the row
to Nadir is partly hidden by the panorama head the calculator will move up the row to
Nadir until the row is fully visible. After that the calculator will place the elevation val-
ues to get regular percentage segmentation. Again between rows the overlaps are
referenced to the long side of the image format and between row and Zenith the over-
lap is referenced to the short side of the image format.
When in the calculation modes
“Calculation for fix step sizes” and “Optimize Ze-
nith/Nadir” the row to Nadir is hidden by the panorama head, a message (warning) will
come up in the vertical status bar.