PanoMachine Panorama Calculator Operators Manual
Copyright by Josef Ehrler
2.3.4 Outputs Vertical
Parameter List
In the left hand column of the list
the following names are labelled alternately:
1. all elevation names: Zenith, 1.-, 2.-, 3.- 4.-, 5. row, Nadir
and between
2. all corresponding overlaps
In the top row the names of the calculated values are labelled as follows:
- Elev. [°]
: displays all elevation values in [°]
- P/P [%]
: displays all overlaps when overlapping on the short side of the picture
for mat.
- P/L [%]
: displays the overlap in Zenith/Nadir when overlapping on the short
side- (row) with long side of picture format (Zenith)
The symbols above the top row of the list
should help to understand the kind of over-
lap calculated. The calculator supports 5 rows plus Nadir and Zenith.
Labels: Kind of overlapping between rows to Nadir and Zenith.
P/P [%]
Overlap Portrait / Portrait (green/red)
P/L [%]
Overlap Portrait / Landscape (blue/red)
Label: Kind of overlapping between rows.
P/P [%]
Overlap Portrait / Portrait (green/red)
Field of View (FoV) of 1 picture vertical [°]
Underneath the vertical output field
the vertical AoV of one picture
is displayed.
The AoV complies with the long side of the picture format. It is additional information
and is used by the calculator. This information is also very useful when the photogra-
pher has to estimate dead angle by himself.