Expansion communication trouble area
This area shows the latest expansion trouble information for only one of the latest expansion
trouble information in the error code 0200h error information stored in buffer memory K2040 to
K2079 communication error area (Refer to Section 4.3.2 (5)).
Communication trouble area
(When fixed buffer is selected.)
Area 1
Area 2
Area 8
No error code=0200h
expansion trouble
information (trouble
information bit 11 = 0)
(Latest data)
There is error code=
0200h expansion
trouble information
(trouble information
bit 11 = 1)
Data 10
Data 7
Data 6
Data 5
Data 4
Data 3
Data 2
Data 1
2096 /830h
2097 /831h
2110 /83Eh
Expansion trouble information area
Buffer Memory K2096
The latest expansion communication trouble information length stored from buffer memory
K2098 is stored as a byte length unit.
Expansion trouble information area
9096 /830h
9097 /831h
9098 /832h
2110 /83Eh
21 bytes = 10 words + 1 byte