Alarm Operation (5606 Alarm Model Only)
Automatic Call after an Alarm
The handset can be programmed to call a predefined telephone number directly after an alarm.
One Hot key in the handset must be programmed with the specific telephone number. It can
be any external or internal telephone number or a pre-defined group of handsets. The handset
can be configured to call the same number for all types of alarms or to call different numbers
depending on the alarm type.
A Hot key in the handset is automatically triggered when an alarm is activated.The specific Hot
key must be programmed to dial the phone number, see “Edit a Hot key” on page 29.
This is a system-dependent function that also require a SIM card parameter setting in the
Connection method Speech Monitoring
Speech monitoring is the default connection method for an automatic call after an alarm.
The microphone on the handset that sends the alarm is discreetly activated in a highly sensitive
mode and the speaker is muted. This gives the answering party the opportunity to listen and
make an appropriate decision for action.
Areas of use are people working alone within fields like treatment of offenders, social work,
medical care and psychiatry. It provides a high level of security and the opportunity to survey
the situation at the alarm site.
Connection method Loud
Your administrator can change Call after alarm connection method to allow the automatic call
after an alarm to be connected with loudspeaking function turned on.
Connection method Ordinary
Your administrator can change Call after alarm connection method to allow the automatic call
after an alarm to be connected in the ordinary way.
When an alarm is transmitted, an ongoing call will be disconnected, unless it is an
alarm call. Then the telephone number associated with the alarm will be dialed.
If the automatic call function is combined with the Acoustic Localization Signal
(ALS) function, speech is muted in both directions. If the ALS times out during the call,
speech monitoring functionality will be activated. If the ALS is muted with the mute button,
the call changes to normal mode.