| XVP-3901
Final Stage
This final section of the processor is where the final look-
ahead peak limiter and bass soft clipper are adjusted. The
look-ahead limiters are wideband, limited to 6dB of gain
reduction, are extremely fast, and due to their look-ahead
nature are virtually transparent even at full gain reduction.
Their purpose is to control peaks that make it through the
multiband section. Adjustable parameters are:
Final Limiter Drive: -6dB - +6dB (default: -5dB). Sets
the level at which the wideband sum of all bands is
fed to the final limiter.
Output Level: -36dB - 0dB (default: -13dB for PGM1,
-11 dB for PGM2). Sets the output level for the
current preset. Can be used to match the measured
loudness of one preset to another. This is useful as
more aggressive presets will measure differently
from less aggressive versions. Upmix using Linear Acoustic UpMAX
The “surround field” can be adjusted with the Center channel
Width control and the Surround channel Depth control.
The bass enhancement signal for the LFE channel is derived
from the Left, Center and Right channels. The LFE checkbox
and LFE Channel Level slider control the LFE output.
AutoMAX-II Transition Speed
When the upmix operates in AutoMAX-II
mode, the speed
of the transitions from 2.0 to 5.1, and 5.1 to 2.0, can be
configured to provide smooth and unobtrusive changeovers.
5.1/2.0 Detection Threshold
This parameter is used when the upmix operates in
mode to detect silence on some of the 5.1
channels to determine if 5.1 or 2.0 is detected.
Figure 5.66
ALC Module – Final Stage Parameters
Figure 5.67
ALC Module – Upmix parameters