cod. 980156
Rev 1.3
EN 47/67
Initial Rest
In this stage the display will show the
following data:
Test time duration
Signal quality indication
Current stage
SPO2 percentage value and the
cardiac pulse rate (heart symbol)
The “initial rest” stage must continue for a minimum of 2 minutes, after which the
icon will appear on screen. Simply touch the
icon to move on the next “walking”
stage. If the user does not move on to the “walking” stage, a few seconds before
reaching the 6 minute mark the
will emit an acoustic signal “beep” as a
warning, and automatically enter the “walking” stage.
The number of bars (
symbol), on the right upper of the screen is proportional to the
quality of the oximetry signal: the higher the quality of the signal the more bars will be
shown (maximum 7). Place a finger into the sensor in order to obtain the highest
quality signal possible.
Walking Stage
At the beginning of the “walking” stage the timer is reset to zero so that the user can
immediately see of the duration of each single phase. The data on the display is the
same as shown before.
This stage will continue for a minimum of 2 minutes, after which the
icon appears
on screen. To move to the next “recovery” stage touch the
icon for a few
seconds. If the “walking” stage continues for more than 6 minutes
will emit
an acoustic signal “beep” and after 6 minutes are up the device will automatically move
on to the “recovery” stage and the timer will be reset to zero again.
Recovery stage
The duration of this stage is left up to the doctor. The device does not indicate this
stage. (at the beginning of this stage the timer is reset to zero).To end the test simply
touch the STOP icon.
At the end of the test the data required for the calculation the following parameters
must be inserted;
Baseline DYSPNEA
Baseline FATIGUE
Distance (meters)
These parameters follow the Borg scale and can have the following values: 0, 0.5, 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, the distance covered is indicated in meters.
The Borg scale coefficients represent the following severity values: