cod. 980156
Rev 1.3
EN 41/67
To carry out a POST test please follow the instructions below:
Simplified menu
To access the spirometry area touch the
icon on the main screen and
subsequently touch the
A “POST” test refers to a spirometry test after having administered to a patient a
pharmacological bronchodilation protocol. Before carrying out the test is is necessary
to indicate the drug dosage administered as a reference when checking the results of
the measured parameters.
The following parameters will be displayed related to the selected patient:
Those values related to the test performed
Those values related to the best PRE test performed by the same patient the
same day.(that is in the same test session)
The percentage variation between the PRE and POST values( in the CHG
It is not possible to perform a POST test with a patient whose PRE testing was not
carried out on the same day.
If during a POST session a new patient is inserted or another is recalled from the
archive the device will automatically exit the current POST session.
Viewing the spirometric results
Following a FVC test, the spirometry test results are shown. The first screen displays:
The main parameters FVC, FEV1, FE1%, PEF of the best trial from all the tests
performed durin the session.
The percentage change compared to the predicted values.
A Flow/Volume graph of the Forced Vital Capacity
The graph is a preview, to view the whole test simply touch the graph and
automatically the device will show the entire graph rotated 90° clockwise on the
display. By touching the graph again the device will return to the original preview.
By scrolling on the right hand side of the screen it is possible to view all the
parameters next to the chosen predicted values.
Spirometry Test Interpretation
Spirometry test interpretation is based on the Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) test. The
test interpretation is indicated with one the following messages:
Normal obstruction
Mild obstruction
Moderate obstruction
Moderately severe obstruction
Severe obstruction
Very severe obstruction