8. Updating MiR Hook 100 software
MiR Hook 100 Operating guide (en) 02/2020 - v.2.1 ©Copyright 2016-2020: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
8. Updating MiR Hook 100 software
This section describes how to update the robot software.
MiR continuously updates the software the robots use, either to fix issues, to improve
existing features, or to introduce new features. Each software release is issued with a
release note explaining the content of the update and its target audience.
When updating MiR100 with an attached MiR Hook 100, the hook software
must be updated first to ensure that the robot is compatible with the hook
when uploading the software.
Follow the steps below to update MiR Hook 100 software:
Go to the MiR Distributor site and sign in with your credentials.
and select MiR Hook 100 in the product drop down menu.