3. Product presentation
MiR Hook 100 Operating guide (en) 02/2020 - v.2.1 ©Copyright 2016-2020: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
3. Product presentation
MiR Hook 100 is a top application for our autonomous mobile robot MiR100 that handles
fully automated pick-up and towing of carts with loads of up to 300 kg indoors within
production facilities, warehouses, and other industrial locations.
The MiR Hook 100 robot identifies carts by QR markers and autonomously transports these
carts to user defined positions. MiR Hook 100 can be incorporated into a fleet of MiR robots
and can be easily redeployed to meet changing requirements.
Users operate MiR Hook 100 via a web-based user interface, which is accessed via a browser
on a PC, smartphone, or tablet. The robot with a hook mounted can be set up to run a fixed
route, be called on demand, or perform more complex missions.
The robot with MiR Hook 100 performs localization and navigation via a map, which can be
created or imported the first time the robot is used. The internal map contains defined
locations (office, product delivery, production hall etc.) that are used for logistical planning.
While operating, the safety laser scanners ensure that the robot avoids dynamic obstacles
(people, furniture) that are not mapped.
With the MiR Hook 100, you must provide the measurements of the carts as described in
Cart specifications on page 24
. Then, MiR Hook 100 can autonomously transport the defined
carts. Built-in sensors, cameras, and integrated software enable MiR100 with MiR Hook 100
and a cart to safely maneuver around people and obstacles, and drive up ramps.
3.1 Main features of MiR Hook 100
The main features of MiR Hook 100 are:
Increase the efficiency of internal transportation tasks
MiR Hook 100 is ideal for a wide range of towing jobs, such as efficiently moving heavy
products between locations in a manufacturing facility or warehouse, or moving linen and
food carts in hospitals. This provides exciting new internal logistics options for heavy or
unwieldy cargos.
Fully automated pick-up and towing of carts
MiR Hook 100 identifies carts by QR markers and autonomously transports them as you
define. MiR Hook 100 can be incorporated into a fleet of MiR robots and can easily be
redeployed to meet changing requirements.