5. Commissioning
MiR Hook 100 Operating guide (en) 02/2020 - v.2.1 ©Copyright 2016-2020: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
QR markers can be created using any QR code generator. As long as the size is the same as
stated in the QR code, there are no requirements for how to create the codes. An easy and
free method is to search the internet for QR code generators and use one of the many
Be sure to print a QR marker in 1:1 scale. If it does not match the size, it will not work.
It is recommended to use less than 17 characters in the QR code. For example,
"75mm-Cart_A" is 11 characters long. If more characters are added, the QR
code will change format, and it will become more difficult to detect.