MIP LM 3086 SE/EPA3 manual, rev2
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+358 10 3222 631
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Zero/Calibration Interval Set-Up
This mode adjusts the time period between auto calibration cycles. See paragraph 2.2.5 to further explain
how the instrument calibrates. This mode only sets the numerical value. The interval display also indicates
what mode the time unit is set in.
For example:
Zero Interval Time (CLK) = 08
This would refer to a calibration cycle dependent on the internal clock, occurring daily at 08:00.
External = Not time configurable
Minutes = 1-99 minutes, 1 minute increments
Hours = 1-99 Hours, 1 hour increments
Clock = 1-24 Hours. 1-hour increments
Number setting reflects time of day to calibrate using internal clock
Zero Calibration Cycle Set-Up (Auto calibration Time)
The calibration cycle times can be set up. The time setting applies to both zero and calibration. Setting times
to record on a DCS accurately should be considered here. For example, some DCS require a two-minute
Range = 1-99 seconds or minutes
Default = 30 seconds
See paragraph referring to Z/C Time base to toggle between seconds and minutes if calibrations
longer than 99 seconds are required.
Window Alarm Set-Up
This mode allows the user to set up the limit for the window contamination. On the receiver side, the
window refers to any optical surface on the receiver side. The optical surfaces consist of the lens, the fibre
optic lens, and both sides of the 180° zero pipe beam turning mirror.
Range = 1- 99 %
Default = 4 % (EPA requirement)
Warning Limit Set-Up
This is one of the two alarm limits. Two parameters are able to be set: the warning limit level in OP %, and
the time frame at that limit which will indicate an alarm. The time setting is variable to allow for spikes in
opacity that are only temporary, and are not a true indication of a warning state.
Range = 1-99 %
Default = 15 %
Time Range = 1-99 seconds