Measurements (Accutorr Plus advanced models)
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Accutorr Plus™ Operating Instructions
Selecting a Sensor
Sensors are designed for specific sites on patients with designated weight ranges. To select
the appropriate sensor, consider the patient’s weight, level of activity, adequacy of perfusion,
which sensor sites are available and the anticipated duration of monitoring.
Cleaning and Re-use
The sensor may be reattached to the same patient if the emitter and detector windows are
clear and the adhesive still adheres to the skin. The adhesive can be partially rejuvenated by
wiping with an alcohol wipe and allowing the sensor to thoroughly air dry prior to
replacement on the patient.
Performance Considerations
To insure optimal performance, use an appropriate sensor, apply it as directed, and observe
all warnings and cautions.
If excessive ambient light is present, cover the sensor site with opaque material. Failure to do
so may result in inaccurate measurements. Light sources that can affect performance include
surgical lights, especially those with a xenon light source, bilirubin lamps, fluorescent lights,
infrared heating lamps, and direct sunlight.
Special Features
Automatic Calibration
The oximetry subsystem incorporates automatic calibration mechanisms. It is automatically
calibrated each time it is turned on, at periodic intervals thereafter, and whenever a new
sensor is connected. Also, the intensity of the sensor’s LEDs is adjusted automatically to
compensate for differences in tissue thickness.
Each sensor is calibrated when manufactured; the effective mean wavelength of the red LED
is determined and encoded into a calibration resistor in the sensor plug. The instrument’s
software reads this calibration resistor to determine the appropriate calibration coefficients
for the measurements obtained by that sensor.
Oximetry Sensitivity Mode and Post Averaging Time
The Accutorr Plus sensitivity mode for SpO
is set to normal and the averaging of the
saturation, pulse rate, and signal strength measurements for SpO
is set to 8 seconds.