Install Driftwood Set MF28DWK
Material required
• Driftwood Kit containing:
1 ceramic platform
5 logs
6 pebbles
• Gloves, if desired
Unpack the kit carefully to avoid damaging the fragile
pieces. Install the kit as shown below.
Please note
that the position of the logs is critical to insure the
good performance of the appliance.
Insert the platform sideways into the fi rebox and place
it on top of the burner.
1. Identify the base log and place it in the cavity of the
ceramic platform. The protruding parts of the log
in the front should rest against the lip of the sheet
metal log support behind the burner.
2. Identify the rear log and place it on top of the base
log locating it into the notches on top of the log. Pull
the log forward so it is locked in position.
3. Identify the right side cross log, the longest, and
place it across the rear log. The narrow end of the
log rests in a notch of the rear log. The wide end of
the log lays fl at on the platform, fl ush with the edge
as indicated.