Midtronics B.V. Hoofdveste 6 Houten NL
Chapter 6: PDI / Storage
Charging Modes
The Diagnostic Charging mode knows several individual
charge cycles such as: Hard to Charge, Bulk Charge, Top-
Off Mode and Extended Charge. All these modes will be
performed automatically with one intention; determine the
State-of-Health of the battery and bringing it to a full State-
Initial Analysis
The GRX first analyzes the battery to find out its original
state. Based on this the charger really starts charging.
This initial test is done with both Conductance and a Load
cycle and depending of the condition we also use a Deep
Scan procedure.
Step 1:
The GRX tests the battery with conductance.
Step 2:
The GRX applies a load and monitor the battery’s response
Step 3:
The GRX performs a final conductance test.
Once the GRX determines that the battery is healthy, needs
charging, and is safe to charge, it proceeds.
During the charging session, the GRX provides updates
of the charging voltage, charging current, remaining time
to charge and the amount of charge replenished into the
battery in amp-hours.
The GRX continues to test the battery throughout the
charge cycle and may determine at some point that the
battery needs to be replaced even though the remaining
time to charge is not up yet.
NOTE: The actual time needed to charge the battery may
be less than the estimated time depending on the battery’s
charge acceptance and condition during the charge.
Before and during the charge cycle the battery is tested with
both Conductance and a Load bounce.
Hard to Charge Mode (HTC Mode)
The GRX uses the first portion of the total charge cycle
to closely monitor the acceptance of charge current and
energy going in to the battery.
During this mode the charger continuously analyzes the
battery to make a decision as quickly as possible.
Bulk Charge Mode / Fill Mode
Following this HTC Mode process the GRX will continue
charging in the Bulk Mode. During this charge cycle the
clock will indicate how much more charge time is needed.
Extended Charge Mode
In some cases the battery’s acceptance of charge current is
still high even when the charge time has elapsed. In this case
the charger will aut omatically start the Extended Charge
cycle and will continue charging until the charge current
drops below 7 Amps. This Extended mode makes sure that
the battery is sufficiently charged before going in the Top
Off Mode.
Top-Off Mode
When the battery is sufficiently charged to be returned to
the vehicle it will indicate this with an audible signal as well
as text on the display. If the STOP key is not pressed the
charger will continue to charge to fill the battery even more.
This mode occurs automatically at the end of the charge
cycle to allow the charger to fill a good battery to capacity.
Top-Off Mode ends when the battery’s acceptance of the
charge current goes below 2 amps, or when you press the
STOP button.
Aborting a Charge Session
If you need to abort the charging session, press the STOP
key until the charge session is aborted. After aborting, the
charge data is displayed. Press EXIT to return to the MAIN