Midtronics Inc. 7000 Monroe Street Willowbrook, IL 60527
Chapter 8: Utilities
The Utilities menu give you access to many of the de-
fault settings used for the various testing routines as
well as screen display settings and audible warnings.
Selecting the THRESHOLDS icon enables you to set
the percentages of the reference value below which
a jar and string must fall to generate a WARN or a FAIL
notice on the printed test results.
1. From the Main Menu highlight the UTILITY icon and press
the SELECT ITEM soft key.
2. Highlight the THRESHOLD icon and press the SELECT
ITEM soft key.
The various plant, site, and string hierarchy appears on
the upper and lower screens.
NOTE: Voltage, Temperature, and Conduc-
tance thresholds can only be adjusted at the
string level.
3. Use the ARROW keys to highlight the string you want to
set the threholds for and press the ENTER key.
EDIT THRESHOLD with three options appears on the
lower screen.
4. Use the ARROW keys to select the threshold you wish to
edit and press the ENTER key. Or press the BACK soft key
to return to the Main Menu without saving your changes.
Voltage Threshold
1. Use the ARROW keys to highlight the voltage threshold
to edit and press the ENTER key.
2. Use the ARROW keys to increase or decrease the thresh-
old value.
3. Press ENTER to save your changes or BACK to return one
screen without saving any changes.
Temperature Threshold
Use the ARROW keys to highlight the temperature thresh-
old to edit and press the ENTER key.
2. Use the ARROW keys to increase or decrease the thresh-
old value.
3. Press ENTER to save your changes or BACK to return one
screen without saving any changes.
Conductance Threshold
Use the ARROW keys to highlight the conductance
threshold to edit and press the ENTER key.
2. Use the ARROW keys to increase or decrease the thresh-
old value.
3. Press ENTER to save your changes or BACK to return one
screen without saving any changes.
The DATE/TIME option will let you edit the tester's
internal date and time. The clock utility includes set-
tings for the analyzer’s 24-hour internal clock and for
the date and time, which are printed on test reports.
Although the date and time are set at the factory, you may
need to make changes based on your time zone.
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