Page 17
Malfunction Description
Corrective Action
Error of sensor T5L (lower water temperature sensor)
The connection between sensor and PCB is broken or the
sensor has experienced an issue.
Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
Tank and wired controller communication error
The connection between controller and PCB is broken or the
PCB has experienced an issue.
Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
Evaporator temperature sensor T3 error
The connection between sensor and PCB is broken or the
sensor has experienced an issue.
Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
Ambient temperature sensor T4 error
The connection between sensor and PCB is broken or the
sensor has experienced an issue.
Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
Compressor discharge temperature sensor TP error
The connection between sensor and PCB is broken or the
sensor has experienced an issue.
Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
Electric leakage error
If PCB current_induction_circuit check the current
difference between L,N >14mA, system consider it as
“electric leakage error”
The connection between some wires have broken or there is
a wiring connection issue.
Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
Compressor suction temperature sensor TH error
The connection between sensor and PCB is broken or the
sensor has experienced an issue.
Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
E-heater open-circuit protection (IEH(Current difference
E-heater on & e-heater off )<1A)
The E-heater has been broken or there is a wiring connection
issue. Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
High discharge temperature protection
Tp>115°C, Protection active
Tp<90°C, Protection inactive
System is potentially blocked, air or water or low refrigerant
(leakage) in system or water temp sensor malfunction.
Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
Compressor overloaded protection (10 seconds after
compressor start up), Current checking starts,
Only when compressor is running, if it is >7A , the
compressor will stop for protection.
Comp e-heater open, if it is >IEH+7,the
compressor will stop for protection.
Compressor broken, system blocked, air or water or too
much refrigerant in system or water temperature sensor
Contact a qualified person to service the unit.
When the ambient temp T4 is out of Heat Pump running
range (5 ~ 43°) Heat Pump will stop, unit will show LA on
the position of clock on display until T4 back to (5 ~ 43°)
It is normal, and repair is not necessary.
The diagnostic codes listed above are the most common. If a diagnostic code not listed above is displayed, please contact for
technical assistance.
7.2 Error Codes