6.1.9 X-AXIS
The <X-AXIS> can be set as <LINEAR> or <LOG>. The Linear Mode is
divided into 250 equal portions with starting and ending values, and the
Log Mode changes along with the set value.
<START>Use the numeric keypad to set the starting value of the sweep.
<STOP>Use the numeric keypad to set the ending value of the sweep.
6.1.11 LEVEL
Under the frequency sweep type, it can set the measurement voltage
or measurement current.
Under the voltage/current sweep type, it can set the measurement
6.1.12 TRIG
It <REPEAT><SINGLE> two different types of trigger can be set.
Selecting <REPEAT> option, sweeping can be repeated unlimited time
after you press <Trigger> key (signal). Selecting <SINGLE> option, it
must be activated by pressing <Trigger> key (signal), the sweeping will
be repeated with each pressing of <Trigger> key (signal).