Panel Functions
logiJET TC8
Edition 1.2 Gap Sensor (Transparent Sensor)
Working Steps as Flow Chart:
Set the Gap sensor current (CV value) as follows:
Go to Engine\Sensor Test and select Gap (PREV or NEXT key, then ENTER)
Leftmost: VV= currently measured sensor value (Level) At the right: CV= reference value for sensor current
Place the liner of your label material in the sensor area
CV (reference value sensor current) for the first time to approx. 25 % (using PREV or NEXT key)
Increasing the CV current value (NEXT key) reduces the
sensor measured value (VV level) (PREV key increases)
Set the switching threshold of the Gap sensor:
Save the new switching threshold (level) using the ENTER key
The level (contrast) measured by the sensor is displayed. Press ENTER once again
Measure both sensor levels once again, thereby notice the values for liner and label.
(You need the two level values of your material for the following switching threshold adjustment)
Save the new CV value (ENTER key; CV = reference value for sensor current)
At the right the switching threshold value is displayed
Graphical explanation for switching threshold setting:
in %
Label (with liner)
Mean value is to be used as
Switching threshold
Start the printer in the Service Mode
Reducing the CV current value (PREV key) increases the
sensor measured value (VV level) (NEXT key decreases
Go to Engine\Sync.Menu\Sync.Sens.Level
Increase CV by another 3 %
Sensor measured value (VV level) of
less than
Sensor measured value (VV level) of label
as possible more than 40 % ?
Place the label (with liner) in the sensor area
In the printer Menu go to Paper Menu\Paper Type and select Label (with Gap)
(PREV or NEXT key, then ENTER)
Set the switching threshold to the middle between the liner level and the label level:
The displayed level
value is directly
valid for printers
with a threshold
setting range from
0 to 100%.
If your printer is
provided with a
threshold setting
range from 0 to
200%, the setting
value has to be